Sunday, September 26, 2010

Macro collage

I used photos of the riverbank and gardens around my house. In my iphoto folder I titled this album as fairyland because it is almost like things you would see a fairy using or wearing or even hiding around or in. Some of the photos are old, but I thought they conveyed this assignment very well.
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Compare and Contrast Photos

Photo 1 
Photo 2
The two photos I chose were of my cousin, they were both taken with the black and white setting on my camera and not edited. Also, I had the flash off for both of these photos so I could capture true moments and no one would know that I was taking a photo. Photo 1 I would describe as an everyday point and shoot moment, her pose almost looks rehearsed or as if she had been told to pose that way. Also the background that surrounds her is most distracting (at least to me...). Photo 2 I would describe as a close up (obviously...). This photo has a much different feeling though. I feel like Photo 2 is more intimate almost as though you have caught a glimse of deep thought or an off guard moment. I like Photo two the best because I feel it shows more emotion and feels more candid than Photo 1.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Blog Post... Ever

I created this blog for my digital photography class. This is the first blog post I have ever written. I am totally new to this, but I'm excited to see how it goes.