Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fixed Photos

Photo One Original

                                                          Photo One Fixed

Photo Two Fixed
Photo Two Original

I chose these two photos to "fix" because they are part of my own handmade jewelry collection that I am trying to start. Also I have noticed that while taking photos of my jewelry the light is always a bit off. So I figured using photoshop to allow the jewelry to shine through rather than being sunk into the background. On photo one I brightened up the whole photo then selected the colored bead part of the bracelet and make the colors more vibrant also I selected the metal charm and tried to remove some of the glare from it by reducing the brightness and adding in some more contrast. On photo two I cropped it so it is more focused on the necklace. I brightened the whole photo then selected the green flowers and the leaf and put more brightness and contrast into them.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Photoshop Photos

For this project I used a close up of grass I took and selected a drawing I did for a friend. I also selected 3 audience pictures and selected and pasted them in front. ( I used the lasso and eraser tool)
The background for this project was a photo I took using "Photo Booth" on my Mac. I used a effect called colored pencil. Then I selected and pasted 3 photos of my grandmother around myself on the background. I also changed the opacity so they looked transparent. The I added in the text boxes and added text. ( I used the lasso, eraser and blur tool)

I was very excited about this assignment. I am taking a graphic design class and we have spend a good amount of time working with photo shop.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Landscape Photos

I learned so much this week from the landscape assignment. I have to admit that when I first read the assignment I was lost. I was asking myself so many questions about what would fulfill the definition of a "landscape" also I had questions about what the correct framing of a landscape was. In the "What is a Landscape?" article it asks if landscape is a "passive backdrop to human theatre?" I believe that it is a backdrop, but an active one. This "backdrop" is our habitat/environment and can also be seen as a defining element of the people that live in it. The part that stuck with me the most was the first quote in "Landscape as Process"that describes landscape:

"Landscapes are dynamic, shaped by ongoing physical, biological,
social, and spiritual processes: motion, growth, and exchange;
birth, death, and decay; communication, building, learning;
dreaming and worship." 

I think this quote puts the definition of landscape into a very different and thought provoking perspective.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I took this photo at a recent conference I went to. It was held at a day care that is on a 12 acre farm. They were showing us their outdoor classrooms and allowing us to be "preschoolers for the day" I made this "fairy house" out of all natural materials and I though it was the perfect example of a monochromatic theme. There are many hues of browns, both warm and cooler.


I chose more than 3 photos to use as my lighting situations. The top picture of the silhouettes I though was just a cute example of how you can take a picture in a different lighting situation and of people in a different way. The bottom photo in column 1 is a backlit photo with some shading from the bridge. The photos in column two both show a technique of using shadow. The top one is shaded partially by a tree and the bottom one the subject is almost fully in shadow with the light source coming from the side. The third column of photos shows a direct light source, the top one shows the subject sideways from the light source, however the face is fully in the sun. The bottom one was in total sunlight, but looking away from the light source slightly.